We are pleased to announce that Glassmak in the person of Mr. Adam Makarowski had been appointed the new Mappi representative in Poland.
This means that at the same time the collaboration between Mappi and Mekanika ends, which we thank for the cooperation.

We have known the qualities and skills of Mr. Adam Makarowski for a long time, especially in the complex machinery market, we are confident that establishing a cooperation with Glassmak will contribute to our further development on a growing and dynamic market like the Polish one.

We believe that Adam Makarowski’s commitment and experience will be an opportunity for us to be successful together.

These are Makarowski’s contacts:

Adam Makarowski


Email: glassmak@vp.pl

Tel: +48 692 428 999

Mappi Service contact remains unchanged:

Email: service@mappi.it
Tel +39 06.968.732.84

#MappiGlass #Glassmak #GlassIndustry #GlassExcellence