MAPPI e i “VOUCHER INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE” per competere a livello globale

Mappi ha partecipato al progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea e volto a favorire l’internazionalizzazione delle PMI, noto come “Voucher internazionalizzazione”, inserito nel POS FESR Lazio 2014-2020.

MAPPI Live at GlassBuild Connect 2020 – Save the date!

Mappi is pleased to announce it will participate in GlassBuild Connect: The Glass & Fenestration Online Experience, taking place September 1-30 at

MAPPI at GlassCon Global VE 2020

Mappi it’s live at GlassCon Global VE – Glass Expo VE, a two-day event, September 9-10, 2020.

MAPPI at GlassBuild Connect 2020

Mappi is pleased to announce it will participate in GlassBuild Connect: The Glass & Fenestration Online Experience, taking place September 1-30 at

Mappi’s world tour continues: next stop in Egypt!

From 27 to 29 February Mappi will be present at WindoorEX 2020, the 11th international fair for glass, aluminum, windows, doors and facades. We will be in Stand A7, Hall 3 with our partner and representative for Egypt, Corpotrade.
Year after year WindoorEX Middle East has become the meeting point for quality producers, suppliers and buyers of glass industry in the region.

The WindoorEX fair has always been at the forefront of the glass industry, Mappi, always at the forefront of innovation, will show the new generation of tempering furnaces, the new frontiers of Industry 4.0 that finally becomes reality also in the glass industry.
The strong partnership between Mappi and Siemens, certified by appointment “Powered by Siemens”, first in the glass industry, opens up a new world of efficiency, quality, productivity, with the universally recognized reliability of Mappi.

#Mappi #MappiGlass #GlassIndustry #GlassExcellence #WindoorEX

MAPPI at NGA 2020 Conference

Mappi is proud participant, and proud sponsor! San Diego is a beautiful destination, but from 13 to 15 january it’s “the destination” for everyone in the glass industry: in San Diego there is the NGA 2020 Annual Conference!

Are you ready for the future? Vitrum 2019

Come to visit us at BOOTH 3219…

Cheers to 25 years of Mappi

Cheers to 25 years of Mappi: a Company who wants always to go beyond glass perfection

Mappi is proud to celebrate 25 years in glass industry as a global leader in the production of glass tempering FURNACE and glass laminating machines.
Mappi started in 1993, when Nancy Mammaro had a vision: she wanted to provide high quality tempering furnaces focusing on  overall quality without compromise.
Clear was the path: only the best technologies, materials, and teamwork to produce the best cost effective  furnaces.
Today that vision means:
– more than 400 furnaces installed in over 50 counties,
– two branches, one in Italy and one in Florida,
– more than 30 partners worldwide to be close to market needs,
– more than 60 people working,
– a brand recognized as a synonymous of excellence globally.
All this to guarantee Customer Satisfaction at every level and in any area; because when you receive a Mappi furnace, you don’t just receive the best technologies and the best components… you receive an exceptional customer care system: people at your service, who understand and are truly committed to MCQ.
MCQ “Mappi Constant Quality” is the core of the company. Every aspect of Mappi is focused on the customer: from design to assistance, everything must consider quality as the main priority.
Giorgio Nardo, CEO of Nardo Vetro says about his choice to count on Mappi as partner:
“I think Mappi is one of the first supplier in the world for reliability, compliance and technology, that’s why we have chosen them 25 years ago and today we continue to show respect for each other”.
Nardo Vetro was the very first Mappi customer, Nancy Mammaro says “our customers are our strengths and our focus, everything we do is in order to improve their business to make the difference in the glass industry, we are rewarding when this relationship is constant and always stronger and stronger, year by year, we know we have done a great job for them, as for Nardo Vetro”.
“We would not exist without our Customers and we would not have all this successes without our people that everyday work with passion to be part of our glass excellence in the world” says Ermanno Petitti, Mappi Sales Manager.
“We strongly believe our products are Mappi brain, heart and power around the world, who has a Mappi furnace has one of our sons and everybody here is proud of this wonderful sons as Fox and ATS series two tempering lines that wrote the story of our Company” says Sergio Cosano Mappi Sales Manger.
So cheers to 25 years of this Italian excellence in the world and here’s to the next 25 years and more!

Mappi at Glasstec Discover DOT

Life is a path, a sequence of daily steps defines a line, leads us to a goal: perfection.
Everyday in Mappi they join the dots, define a line, create a series of perfect circles, fully customized for each customer.
At Glasstec, in the year of their 25th anniversary Mappi will showcase a disassembled Ats 4.0 with all its components to understand how and why a Mappi furnace is able to promise and maintain excellent results.

A unique experience, a special reason to visit the Mappi booth. The pursuit of excellence, the ambition to create a perfect circle, is a project that has found motivated partners in Cugher, Triulzi and Iocco: a team able to offer an entire supply chain.

Innovations, technologies, quality, skills, excellences are their dots, perfection it’s the sum of all, it’s the result.

Discover it at Glasstec: join the dots at Halle 16 Booth D39.